Patient Treatment

Health care professionals can find clinical guides and education programs from Patient Care Services to treat Veterans, including those with deployment-related conditions.
Earn Your Level I Certification in Military Environmental Exposures
The Level I Certification in Military Environmental Exposures, offered in partnership between VA and the American College of Preventive Medicine, is now available. This five-module, online certification will ensure providers have the skills and knowledge needed to effectively identify, treat, and manage the effects of possible environmental exposures among Veterans.
Military Exposures for Providers
Resources for treating Veteran patients include an exposure assessment guide.
Agent Orange Health Effects
Get information on diagnosis, treatment, and research on possible health effects of Agent Orange exposure.
Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
Resources for treating Gulf War Veterans include a study guide, clinician pocket guides, Health and Medicine Division (formerly Institute of Medicine) reports, and VA findings.
Radiation Exposure Health Effects
These resources help clinicians treat Veteran patients exposed to different kinds of radiation during service.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Concussion (425 KB, PDF)
Refer quickly to symptoms, diagnosis, and possible long-term health effects of mild traumatic brain injury.
Women’s Health: A Guide to Preventing Infections
Learn about common infections and steps you can take to prevent infection and keep healthy.
Malaria Pocket Guide for Clinicians (430 KB, PDF)
Refer quickly to the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of malaria.
Viral Hepatitis
Policies and reports, clinical care programs, provider education and hepatitis A, B, and C related topics.
Policies and reports, clinical care programs, provider education and HIV/AIDS-related topics.
Tobacco Cessation
Health care professionals can learn about VA’s best practices for tobacco use control.
VA has tools and materials on flu prevention and treatment available for health care providers.
Pandemic Flu
Learn about VA’s response strategies on pandemic flu for health care providers.
War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
Find out how this center can help with deployment-related health conditions through clinical services, education and research.
Safe Patient Handling
Proven methods and latest equipment to lift and move patients safely in VA medical facilities.
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