Did You Serve at Qarmat Ali?

During the spring and summer of 2003, approximately one thousand U.S. Servicemembers, including National Guard, Reserve, and active duty soldiers, guarded the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility in the Basrah oil fields in Iraq. Those Servicemembers may have been exposed to toxic hexavalent chromium from exposure to sodium dichromate dust.
Hexavalent chromium is a chemical known to cause lung cancer and other medical conditions, including nasal and skin irritations and respiratory problems. It is only produced through industrial processes for specific purposes. At the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility, the chromium was used as an anti-corrosive for the water pipes, and was found on the ground after bags of the chemical were opened at the site.
VA Qarmat Ali Medical Surveillance Program
In an effort to monitor the health of Veterans who may have been exposed to hexavalent chromium at the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility, VA established the Qarmat Ali Medical Surveillance Program. Under the program, VA provides medical screenings free of any charge or copay.
Veterans who participate in the program may receive an exam including:
- Complete physical exam with emphasis on the ears, nose and throat, lungs, and skin
- Pulmonary function tests
VA does not expect to find many serious Qarmat Ali-related illnesses. If any abnormalities are found, participants will be referred to the proper medical specialist.
Take action today
If you served at the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility, contact your local Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) Program Manager to make an appointment to enroll in the VA Qarmat Ali Medical Surveillance Program or to schedule your follow-up exam. To find your local OEF/OIF/OND program office visit www.oefoif.va.gov/map.asp. Eligible Veterans may also be contacted directly by VA regarding their participation.
To learn more visit www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/qarmat-ali.
If you served at the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility, VA strongly encourages you to participate in the VA Qarmat Ali Medical Surveillance Program, even if you are not currently experiencing any symptoms. Your participation is free and will provide VA with valuable information that could improve care for you and future Veterans. Learn more at www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/qarmat-ali.